Day 9

We’re at the end of a long driving day, in Kilve, Somerset. We are in a beautiful B&B we found in a book of B&B’s we had with us.
The day began with an ok breakfast in Amesbury. We drove off into the fog to search for white horses carved into Wiltshire hillsides. We couldn’t find horse #1 due to the fog. Horse #2 we couldn’t find either, and we were frustrated by the time we found horse #3. We hiked up to it, and had some marvelous views of the surrounding countryside.
(Ed. Note: I think it was around this time that we burst into hysterics after hearing a guy on a radio call-in show describe how a wild weasel ran up his pants leg and “I though he was going after me vitals”.)
The day began with an ok breakfast in Amesbury. We drove off into the fog to search for white horses carved into Wiltshire hillsides. We couldn’t find horse #1 due to the fog. Horse #2 we couldn’t find either, and we were frustrated by the time we found horse #3. We hiked up to it, and had some marvelous views of the surrounding countryside.
(Ed. Note: I think it was around this time that we burst into hysterics after hearing a guy on a radio call-in show describe how a wild weasel ran up his pants leg and “I though he was going after me vitals”.)

We then looked at the map and realized we were quire near Castle Combe, so we dropped by. It was quite uncrowded, and remains unspoiled. I had remembered it being bigger, but it’s only 1 street! We walked around and admired the classic stone architecture, which seems to be from before 1600. We stopped in at the Manor House Hotel and asked to see some rooms. They were absolutely beautiful, with timbers through the rooms, fireplaces, etc. Unfortunately too dear at ₤150 per night, so we left. I heartily recommend it to my rich friends.

We then headed to Bath, which has been in existence since Roman times, but seems to have seen its heyday in the 1700’s. We toured the old Roman baths – quite amazing for their sheer size and hydro engineering. Like one big, 200 year old spa, with 10 huge Jacuzzis.
Then up to the Circus and the Royal Crescent, which are entire blocks of identical buildings built in curves. Interesting.
Then up to the Circus and the Royal Crescent, which are entire blocks of identical buildings built in curves. Interesting.
After lunch in a pub at 3:00, we headed southwest through Wells. Didn’t stop for the Cathedral due to the fact that we wanted to get closer to the West Country. Stopped in a hotel in ???? and actually checked in before we brought the bags up. However, we looked around town and didn’t really like some of the locals, who appeared to be devil worshippers. That, coupled with the fact that there was no secure car park, made us decide to leave. Plus, we wanted to stay in a B&B.
So we headed west, through some mining and industrial regions, in rush hour traffic. Ugh.
Arrived here at 6 and had a lager in the library, overlooking the snooker table. Absolutely first class and beautiful. While Jill organized the clothes in the car, I took a quick walk over park of their 8 acres. Views of the sea, and numerous fields, with sunset!
We are signed up for dinner – Jill is having Cheddar Soufflé and lamb, I am having tomato-orange soup and some kind of fish. We chose a wine from their list of over 300.
Speaking of dinner, last night’s was excellent. Jill had pork over rice, and I had escargot followed by a Devon Pasty, which was excellent. Topped it off with a Grand Marnier in the pub across the street.
Tomorrow a.m. we hope to walk down to the sea before breakfast. We plan to buy an excellent guide to British country hotels we saw downstairs, to help us in the future.
Day 10 >>>
So we headed west, through some mining and industrial regions, in rush hour traffic. Ugh.
Arrived here at 6 and had a lager in the library, overlooking the snooker table. Absolutely first class and beautiful. While Jill organized the clothes in the car, I took a quick walk over park of their 8 acres. Views of the sea, and numerous fields, with sunset!
We are signed up for dinner – Jill is having Cheddar Soufflé and lamb, I am having tomato-orange soup and some kind of fish. We chose a wine from their list of over 300.
Speaking of dinner, last night’s was excellent. Jill had pork over rice, and I had escargot followed by a Devon Pasty, which was excellent. Topped it off with a Grand Marnier in the pub across the street.
Tomorrow a.m. we hope to walk down to the sea before breakfast. We plan to buy an excellent guide to British country hotels we saw downstairs, to help us in the future.
Day 10 >>>