We were expecting an antique market, and there was a little of that, but mostly lots of souvenir-type stuff, food, etc. It was way too crowded and gave Jill claustrophobia. Jill bought 6 placemats and napkins with cigales (cicadas) on them. The antiques we saw did not look cheap, but I have a feeling we did not see the best ones.
We were very wishy-washy about what / where to eat (pizza on the street, 1 star Michelin restaurant)??, but the end result is we did not commit and it was 1:30 and too late for anything! |

Lacoste Belltower
Jill bought 2 baguettes in a boulangerie, and we came back home for cheese sandwiches and olives with Orangina. Kristen & I explored the yard after lunch and Kristen chased the cat around the yard and up a tree!
It was soon 3:30 and we headed out to Lacoste. We climbed up the the Marquis de Sade's ruined castle along very unsafe rock strewn pathways. Still did not see much of the town of Lacoste though.
It was soon 3:30 and we headed out to Lacoste. We climbed up the the Marquis de Sade's ruined castle along very unsafe rock strewn pathways. Still did not see much of the town of Lacoste though.

Lacoste from our yard
Then down toward Menerbes, passing (we think) Peter Mayle's house from "A Year in Provence".
We parked in a lot in the lower part of Menerbes and walked the narrow streets in search of another house we almost rented. We walked up a big hill but realized we were on the wrong side of town, but were too tired to walk to the other side. Maybe tomorrow.
Then we drove back past the house and up to the pretty village of Bonnieux. The purpose was to find a future restaurant. Bonnieux has a couple of candidates, but it was too early (5:30) so we ended up back home.
The views from all 3 towns were spectacular of the Luberon valley, with sunset near and the sun low in the sky.
We parked in a lot in the lower part of Menerbes and walked the narrow streets in search of another house we almost rented. We walked up a big hill but realized we were on the wrong side of town, but were too tired to walk to the other side. Maybe tomorrow.
Then we drove back past the house and up to the pretty village of Bonnieux. The purpose was to find a future restaurant. Bonnieux has a couple of candidates, but it was too early (5:30) so we ended up back home.
The views from all 3 towns were spectacular of the Luberon valley, with sunset near and the sun low in the sky.

PS we also stopped at the old wash house down the hill from Lacoste - can you just picture the town's women trudging up and down the steep hill every week to do their laundry in the icy pool?

Then home at sunset, where Chico tried to gain admittance but was rejected. Dinner of nice leftovers after a call to Mom & Dad. Diary by the roaring fire with wine, and Gershwin on the CD player. And a couple of games of "Uno" before Kristen's bedtime. Maybe the stars tonight will be as bright as last night... sure is quiet outside. It doesn't get this quiet in New Jersey. No gunshots since sunset!
Despite being tired I did not fall asleep until past 12, and then only with medical help. I did however read a lot of "A Year in Provence", which perfectly describes this area. All the local towns are mentioned.
Mayle did indeed live along the Lacoste - Menerbes road. Which house we don't know. He mentions all the local towns - Lacoste, Menerbes, Bonnieux, etc. Also mentioned the bakery in Lumieres, which we'll have to try, and the Cave Cooperative along the N100 near Bonnieux, which we tried to find. But more of that later.
Day 4 >>>
Mayle did indeed live along the Lacoste - Menerbes road. Which house we don't know. He mentions all the local towns - Lacoste, Menerbes, Bonnieux, etc. Also mentioned the bakery in Lumieres, which we'll have to try, and the Cave Cooperative along the N100 near Bonnieux, which we tried to find. But more of that later.
Day 4 >>>