Day 5
Up too early again. It's like we're 3/4 adjusted to the time difference and can't completely adjust.Out before 9 on a tour of North Kohala. First a drive upland to Waikoloa village, a condo complex for non-millionaires about 7 miles inland. Got some drops to defog the snorkel masks. Then up thru the lava moonscape, past part of Parker Ranch into Waimea. Got $60 worth of gas at $4.54 per gallon, then up onto Rt. 250 towards Hawi on the northern coast.

As we descended towards Hawi, it started raining, then pouring. But it was localized, and by the time we were in Hawi it had stopped. The girls did some shopping and Jill got some really cool stickers to put on my ukulele. Antique looking. And Kristen a sarong and snow globe.
The East coast is totally deserted and lava-strewn with dark blue water views. Jill spotted some Sand Grouse at a historic park, she has sharp eyes since they completely blended into the landscape. Enjoyed the (hot) views and then eventually stopped at Kawaihae for our first Shave Ices - lime/coconut, raspberry/chocolate,, and coconut/pineapple. Now THAT hit the spot and cooled us off.
Came back home and went right back in our private pool around 3pm. Felt great. Then the girls checked out the Queens and Kings markets and I met them at Merriman's for a mediocre happy hour of Maitais, lemonade, tiny pizza, fries and Caesar salad for $62. On the way back we spotted a mongoose (one of many) running across the parking lot in front of us, and when I beeped, he jumped about a foot in the air. The girls were in hysterics.
Jill is enjoying bird watching and has spotted a lot of species, including turkeys. Mynah birds all over.
Home, where we watched the same 10 people win a bunch of Hawaiian Music Awards that were presented by very large women in Muu-Muus (on TV). In bed before 10.
Day 6 >>>
Jill is enjoying bird watching and has spotted a lot of species, including turkeys. Mynah birds all over.
Home, where we watched the same 10 people win a bunch of Hawaiian Music Awards that were presented by very large women in Muu-Muus (on TV). In bed before 10.
Day 6 >>>