Day 6 - Kanab UT

The plan was to do Zion today, but I slept poorly and Jill couldn’t stomach another drive, even if it is gorgeous. So we have deferred Zion until tomorrow; Jill and Kristen will probably do shopping and lunch in Kanab, and I am eyeing up that pool, which has shade in the morning.
Jill ended up dropping me off at the pool, where I had the one lounge-chair worth of shade until they returned around 12:30 from a good burger lunch at the Rewind Diner. There is literally no pool shade whatsoever after noon, and only one or 2 chairs worth before!
Kristen also got a Native American doll, all dressed up, that will go very nicely with her American Girls. A bargain at $20!
Hung out a the pool a while; Jill was feeling wishy-washy, wanting to DO something even though we had planned a rest day.
We ended up going 10 miles south to Fredonia to take a couple of photos we wanted - a”Beer Ammo Fireworks” convenience store sign, and an old Motel.
Next, we went to the 3 Bears for ice cream and Jill of course recognized the same family we (Jill) had seen the other nite. First at the Rocking V for dinner, also at Bryce Lodge, then outside Bryce at Ruby’s Inn, and now at the ice cream place (150 miles from Bryce). So I introduced us and we all had a nice chat. They are mom, dad, daughter (15) and mom’s brother, and yes they were at all those places. They said they were stalking us and we had a laugh and discussed travel, and Zion, where they had been. They are from Tucson and were going back to the Rocking V for dinner again tonite, just like us. Plus, she’s short and he’s tall. Wow, maybe they are us from another world... Nice folks.
Gassed up again, and tried to get the crucial camera cable from Radio Shack (yes there is one in Kanab and it’s also a video store) and a computer place they recommended, but failed.
Then into the movie set museum / souvenir place so I could check out a building they had from “The Outlaw Josie Wales” which I had watched on the plane. Cool, but I started feeling bad and it turned out later at dinner that I was dehydrated (I drank 5 large waters!)
Back to the Rocking V for an early dinner, where we indeed ran into our Stalkers again and also had another very good meal. On the way out I asked the Stalkers if we would “run into” them in Moab; we had a laugh but no, they are not going up there. “We’re watching you”, they said.
The owner had the night off and I asked the server if they turned off the Classic Rock XM station when he was out. Yep, she said, they don’t like it and give him a hard time about it!
Quick dip in the pool to cool off. Girls watching TV, I’m going back to Tom Sawyer on the iPad.
Day 7 >>>
Next, we went to the 3 Bears for ice cream and Jill of course recognized the same family we (Jill) had seen the other nite. First at the Rocking V for dinner, also at Bryce Lodge, then outside Bryce at Ruby’s Inn, and now at the ice cream place (150 miles from Bryce). So I introduced us and we all had a nice chat. They are mom, dad, daughter (15) and mom’s brother, and yes they were at all those places. They said they were stalking us and we had a laugh and discussed travel, and Zion, where they had been. They are from Tucson and were going back to the Rocking V for dinner again tonite, just like us. Plus, she’s short and he’s tall. Wow, maybe they are us from another world... Nice folks.
Gassed up again, and tried to get the crucial camera cable from Radio Shack (yes there is one in Kanab and it’s also a video store) and a computer place they recommended, but failed.
Then into the movie set museum / souvenir place so I could check out a building they had from “The Outlaw Josie Wales” which I had watched on the plane. Cool, but I started feeling bad and it turned out later at dinner that I was dehydrated (I drank 5 large waters!)
Back to the Rocking V for an early dinner, where we indeed ran into our Stalkers again and also had another very good meal. On the way out I asked the Stalkers if we would “run into” them in Moab; we had a laugh but no, they are not going up there. “We’re watching you”, they said.
The owner had the night off and I asked the server if they turned off the Classic Rock XM station when he was out. Yep, she said, they don’t like it and give him a hard time about it!
Quick dip in the pool to cool off. Girls watching TV, I’m going back to Tom Sawyer on the iPad.
Day 7 >>>