Day 2
Off to a late start due to much needed sleep. We didn't get out until 11:00. We took the Tube up to Camden Market which was like a giant punk, goth, funky flea market. It was quite interesting with very unusual people to look at. I didn't hear any Brits. Even Kristen said there are a lot of Italians, Spanish and French. And a lot of smokers. After picking up a lime green and black tutu (not mine) we went to McDonalds to kill two birds with one stone (bathroom & a quick cheap meal.) |
We went to get on the train to come back home and they had shut down the Picadilly line. Now what! Got reimbursed on the Oyster card and headed for the bus. Waited 10 minutes and no bus, plus you need to purchase tickets before boarding the bus and wasn't quite sure what direction we were going in. A taxi stopped to let people off and we jumped in. It wasn't more than a bus would have been. Plus it was a much needed rest for the feet.
For the final stop for the day we ended up at Speakers Corner. There only about 5 people on their soap boxes We listened for a little while and then headed home. |
By the time we got home the dogs were barkin!
A simple dinner of cheddar from Cornwall and Heinz cream of tomato soup. Kristen even said this is really good tomato soup. We'll probably go to bed early since we have a full plate again tomorrow.
Day 3 >>>
A simple dinner of cheddar from Cornwall and Heinz cream of tomato soup. Kristen even said this is really good tomato soup. We'll probably go to bed early since we have a full plate again tomorrow.
Day 3 >>>