Day 9
This morning was fun - we were out of the room at 7 a.m. for a walk around Hallstatt sans tourists. We were almost the only ones stirring around town from 7-8 a.m.
I took advantage of the moment to take lots of photos. I hope some of them capture the town as it is when the tourists are absent.
We then went back to the Gasthof Simony for breakfast at 8 a.m. When we creaked down the stairs at 7 a.m. the landlady was in her robe stoking the coal furnace! Breakfast was the typical juice, coffee, bread, hard boiled eggs, etc. We left town by a narrow road with a red light on each end - a counter told you how long you had to wait until the light would turn green and you could go. Twentieth century technology in a 15th century town!
We headed up towards the Autobahn - blessedly little traffic on Sunday morning. Hit the Autobahn - speeds up to 160 kph - now that's the way to travel (while listening to "Alpensymphonie" and Strauss waltzes!!!)
We transferred over to scenic route 3 just after Linz and crossed the Danube. We ate lunch in a park overlooking a small island in the Danube. Lunch was cheese, crackers, leftover pastry, chocolate. We couldn't buy any additional victuals as it was Sunday. We'll have to plan ahead next week.
While eating lunch, we watched a pair of swans and their cygnets paddling around. We also noticed some especially active fish jumping around near the island.
We continued along the Danube valley, stopping at Melk to see the Abbey - much gold!! The exhibits were all in German, but the marble hall and church were beautiful. The marble hall had much faux marble, which was indistinguishable from the real thing. The church was refinished and reguilded in the last few years - the organ was spectacular!
Oh, yeah, right after Linz we stopped in the small town of Perg for a parade that was forming as we drove through. A band preceded a procession of the town's children (quite numerous) and then the adults. took a bunch of photos - it was a fun stop.
After Melk, we headed towards Vienna, passing through the Wachau valley with it's many vineyards.
As we approached Vienna, we planned out our route into the city. Of course we immediately got off course, but Jill's excellent map reading skills kept us moving forward towards our goal. Just as we were about to pull over, we saw signs for our hotel (Am Stephensplatz). We followed the signs, found our hotel, parked on the street and checked in.
Am Stephensplatz is directly overlooking St. Stephen's church, where Mozart was married and the heart of Vienna's old city.
Our room is expensive (about $160 per night) but directly overlooks the church and square. Worth it!
As soon as we hit the square, we saw a low-budget street opera. The music was taped, but the singers were good and that had a real stage set and stage. What fun!
Then we took the Michelin walking tour around the old town. Saw several churches, residences from the 1500's, and a Mozart residence that was under renovation.
Stopped at a kaffe for a beer; then had dinner out at Caffe Diglas. We both had white wine and Wiener Schnitzel and spent about 2 hours trying to slow down to the Vienna coffee house pace.
We are now back in our room with opera on the TV. The room is very nice - with chandelier, lounge chairs and armoire as big as a house. Also 12 foot ceilings!
Day 10 >>>
I took advantage of the moment to take lots of photos. I hope some of them capture the town as it is when the tourists are absent.
We then went back to the Gasthof Simony for breakfast at 8 a.m. When we creaked down the stairs at 7 a.m. the landlady was in her robe stoking the coal furnace! Breakfast was the typical juice, coffee, bread, hard boiled eggs, etc. We left town by a narrow road with a red light on each end - a counter told you how long you had to wait until the light would turn green and you could go. Twentieth century technology in a 15th century town!
We headed up towards the Autobahn - blessedly little traffic on Sunday morning. Hit the Autobahn - speeds up to 160 kph - now that's the way to travel (while listening to "Alpensymphonie" and Strauss waltzes!!!)
We transferred over to scenic route 3 just after Linz and crossed the Danube. We ate lunch in a park overlooking a small island in the Danube. Lunch was cheese, crackers, leftover pastry, chocolate. We couldn't buy any additional victuals as it was Sunday. We'll have to plan ahead next week.
While eating lunch, we watched a pair of swans and their cygnets paddling around. We also noticed some especially active fish jumping around near the island.
We continued along the Danube valley, stopping at Melk to see the Abbey - much gold!! The exhibits were all in German, but the marble hall and church were beautiful. The marble hall had much faux marble, which was indistinguishable from the real thing. The church was refinished and reguilded in the last few years - the organ was spectacular!
Oh, yeah, right after Linz we stopped in the small town of Perg for a parade that was forming as we drove through. A band preceded a procession of the town's children (quite numerous) and then the adults. took a bunch of photos - it was a fun stop.
After Melk, we headed towards Vienna, passing through the Wachau valley with it's many vineyards.
As we approached Vienna, we planned out our route into the city. Of course we immediately got off course, but Jill's excellent map reading skills kept us moving forward towards our goal. Just as we were about to pull over, we saw signs for our hotel (Am Stephensplatz). We followed the signs, found our hotel, parked on the street and checked in.
Am Stephensplatz is directly overlooking St. Stephen's church, where Mozart was married and the heart of Vienna's old city.
Our room is expensive (about $160 per night) but directly overlooks the church and square. Worth it!
As soon as we hit the square, we saw a low-budget street opera. The music was taped, but the singers were good and that had a real stage set and stage. What fun!
Then we took the Michelin walking tour around the old town. Saw several churches, residences from the 1500's, and a Mozart residence that was under renovation.
Stopped at a kaffe for a beer; then had dinner out at Caffe Diglas. We both had white wine and Wiener Schnitzel and spent about 2 hours trying to slow down to the Vienna coffee house pace.
We are now back in our room with opera on the TV. The room is very nice - with chandelier, lounge chairs and armoire as big as a house. Also 12 foot ceilings!
Day 10 >>>