Day 14
Today is pack up day. Mme. Bournet is coming today at 2 to clean for some reason, though we don’t leave till tomorrow.
Kristen and I did our morning routine – open the downstairs shutters from the inside, make coffee, go outside and fasten shutters. We also found a boules set and played in the yard a little. Kristen is not very competitive.
Then a few figs from the tree, and a little lounging by the pool. Momster packed up; Kristen and dad took a chilly dip.
Then around 11:30 it was time to get on the road towards Carcassonne. We stopped at a LeClerc on the way north and picked up some goodies.
Carcassonne is impressive from a distance, with the reconstructed battlements looming against the horizon. We parked right across the street from the hotel we stayed in 6 (!) years ago and walked in the front gate.
Not much has changed – the same tacky tourist shops as you enter – but tourism seems to have now completely overtaken the town. What used to be confined to an area near the main gate now consumes virtually all the buildings. Other than that, nothing had changed. Except this time we were there at midday, whereas last time we followed Rick Steves’ recommendation and did most of our exploring before or after the tour busses arrived. Kinda crowded.
We both agreed that this will probably be our last Carcassonne visit, then Jill took Kristen on the carousel outside the gate (same make and model as the one at Freehold Mall!)
Kristen napped while we took a drive on the 1 ½ lane roads south of Carcassone for about an hour. Stopped in Quillan for a beer at a café and home for another dip in the pool at 6.
Around 7, Kristen and I took a walk around the village, meeting a small boy with a skateboard who regaled us with stories for about 15 minutes, few of which I understood. Something about 1) his dog is a hunter and either had 12 pups or is one of 12; 2) school started last Friday (or is it next Friday?); 3) His father (?) is in the hospital in Carcassonne. Thick accent. I should have stopped him at the outset and told him I spoke little French. Once he got going it was impossible, but I don’t think he knew or cared. He was bored and looking for friends.
Last dinner at Pierre Lys – Dave Salade Nicoise, escargots, pigeon (too gamey), raspberry tart. Jill – house salad, confit of duck, cheese. Kristen – omelet.
Day 15 >>>
Kristen and I did our morning routine – open the downstairs shutters from the inside, make coffee, go outside and fasten shutters. We also found a boules set and played in the yard a little. Kristen is not very competitive.
Then a few figs from the tree, and a little lounging by the pool. Momster packed up; Kristen and dad took a chilly dip.
Then around 11:30 it was time to get on the road towards Carcassonne. We stopped at a LeClerc on the way north and picked up some goodies.
Carcassonne is impressive from a distance, with the reconstructed battlements looming against the horizon. We parked right across the street from the hotel we stayed in 6 (!) years ago and walked in the front gate.
Not much has changed – the same tacky tourist shops as you enter – but tourism seems to have now completely overtaken the town. What used to be confined to an area near the main gate now consumes virtually all the buildings. Other than that, nothing had changed. Except this time we were there at midday, whereas last time we followed Rick Steves’ recommendation and did most of our exploring before or after the tour busses arrived. Kinda crowded.
We both agreed that this will probably be our last Carcassonne visit, then Jill took Kristen on the carousel outside the gate (same make and model as the one at Freehold Mall!)
Kristen napped while we took a drive on the 1 ½ lane roads south of Carcassone for about an hour. Stopped in Quillan for a beer at a café and home for another dip in the pool at 6.
Around 7, Kristen and I took a walk around the village, meeting a small boy with a skateboard who regaled us with stories for about 15 minutes, few of which I understood. Something about 1) his dog is a hunter and either had 12 pups or is one of 12; 2) school started last Friday (or is it next Friday?); 3) His father (?) is in the hospital in Carcassonne. Thick accent. I should have stopped him at the outset and told him I spoke little French. Once he got going it was impossible, but I don’t think he knew or cared. He was bored and looking for friends.
Last dinner at Pierre Lys – Dave Salade Nicoise, escargots, pigeon (too gamey), raspberry tart. Jill – house salad, confit of duck, cheese. Kristen – omelet.
Day 15 >>>